We're glad you are here
What to Expect
What should I wear?
Come in whatever looks nice and feels comfortable to you. You may see some people in jeans or shorts, while others in business suits or dresses. We're not hung up on what you wear.
Will I feel comfortable attending alone?
Many of our members come to church by themselves each week. However, if you'd like someone to sit with you for the first time, feel free to call the church or ask a greeter when you arrive. They'll find you a friend to sit with. Being new can be hard in any situation, but you'll quickly get to know the other members and feel at home.
Will everyone know I am a visitor?
We will never single you out or try to draw public attention to you, but don't hesitate to introduce yourself or ask questions Everyone will be glad you are here.
Do I have to donate money?
No. We do make various donation methods avaialble, but we do not pass an offering plate and we do not expect guests to give.
How long does a service last?
Just one hour. Sunday School classes begin at 9:30 and finish at 10:30. The worship service follows from 11:00 to noon. The half hour in between is a time where you can grab a free cup of coffee, visit with eachother in the foyer, get to know people, and catch up with friends.
Do you observe social distancing standards?
We have hand sanitizing stations located around the building and we follow the current mandates. We ask that people be sensitive to the needs of others, but masks are not required at this time.
Will I have to participate?
No. Visitors are welcome to just sit back and enjoy the service. And we hope you do enjoy it! We'll be glad to have you join us.